Carnegie Medal

What is the Carnegie Medal?

The Carnegie Medal is awarded annually to the writer of an outstanding book for children.

It was established by in 1936, in memory of the great Scottish-born philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919). Carnegie was a self-made industrialist who made his fortune in steel in the USA. His experience of using a library as a child led him to resolve that “if ever wealth came to me that it should be used to establish free libraries.”

Carnegie set up more than 2800 libraries across the English speaking world and, by the time of his death, over half the library authorities in Great Britain had Carnegie libraries.

First awarded to Arthur Ransome for ‘Pigeon Post’, the winner receives a golden medal and £500 worth of books to donate to a library of their choice.

The medal is awarded by CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.

Have a look at the official website for more information.

What is “shadowing”?

Each year schools are encouraged to take part in Carnegie Shadowing. When the shortlist is announced, students all over the country, led by librarians and teachers, read the books and come to their own decisions about what they think about them. The official judges have the final say, but students enjoy sharing their reviews and often have brilliant and heated discussions about their favourite books on the list. They then wait eagerly to find out the result – announced usually in June.

What are we doing at the Dixie Grammar School in 2010?

We are shadowing the Carnegie Medal in the Summer Term. A group of students have been invited to read the books shortlisted for this prestigious award. They will meet regularly to discuss the books and write reviews. The reviews will be posted on the official website and entered for a competition. We also hope to make links to other schools to discuss the shortlisted books.

Official Carnegie Shadowing Site

Past Carnegie Medal Winners – have you read any of these books?

Timetable for Carnegie Shadowing 2010 (provisional)

  • Friday 23 April 2010 – Shortlists announced
  • Late April 2010 – Shortlist publicity pack distributed
  • Thursday 24 June 2010 – Winners announced

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