Student Helpers
Michael Parker Library
We have a fantastic team of Student Helpers from Year 7 upwards who work in the library on one lunchtime each per week (or more if they are really keen).
What do they do?
Student Helpers…
- run the Desk – issuing, returning and renewing books and so on.
- tidy the shelves and put books back.
- help students using computers and make sure our ICT equipment is being used safely and properly.
- help students to search for books on SearchStar and then help them find books on the shelves.
- support Mrs Robinson and any other member of staff using the library at lunchtime!
We do not need any new Helpers at the moment as we have a lot of new Trainees and also some more students on the Waiting List. When we need some more Helpers, we will let you know!
Junior School Library
Mrs Enston organises a group of Student Helpers from Year 5 – please see her if you would like to join.
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