Encouraging our students to enjoy their reading is a really important function of our library services at the Dixie Grammar School. This section of the site has a range of pages to support this important work.
If you are stuck for what to read next, then have a look at our “What to read?” page. It will give you lots of ways to find out about great books, with links to book trailers, reading lists, reviewing websites and blogs.
Senior School
Reading development activities take place during curriculum time and also out of lessons.
Reading Challenge
Years 6 to 8 visit the Library for one lesson each week with their English teacher. These students work with Mrs Robinson on a reading challenge with prizes and certificates which are awarded during the year.
To find out more about our Reading Challenge for 2012-13, please click on the image below:
Years 6, 7 and 8 are introduced to our Reading is Fun! wiki. This asks them to keep a record of their reading experience and also to support and encourage their classmates.
Reading Champions is the name of our Senior School Reading Group. We have not met for a while but we hope to resume meeting as soon as possible.
We also hope to have a range of other extra-curricular activities to encourage reading throughout the year, including competitions, quizzes and also book and author events.
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