Reading Challenge
At the Senior School all of our students in Years 6 to 8 visit The Michael Parker Library once each week during an English lesson. The class Teacher and the Librarian work together to support our students with the aim of developing their reading for pleasure.
We have a new Reading Challenge for 2012-13!
This will be introduced during the Autumn Term and will run for the rest of the academic year. The images below will give you a flavour of the challenge. You can also find out more by visiting the public pages of our Reading is Fun Wiki. Please contact the Librarian, Mrs Robinson, if you want more information.
Some of the materials created for the Reading Challenge
The Reading Challenge Passports for each Year Group
The Reading Challenge Certificates
All materials created for the Reading Challenge by The Dixie Grammar School Library Services, except for the Gold and Platinum Certificates, which are available from Primary Teaching Services
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