What to read?
There are so many books! How can you choose what to read next?
Well, here are some ideas:
1) Ask for a recommendation from…
Your Friends - you could look at their page on the Wiki:
Your Family – find out what your parents loved reading when they were children!
Your Teachers - ask them for ideas
Your Librarian - Mrs Robinson has read 1000s of children’s and young adult books in 30 years as a Librarian! You could follow her on Goodreads to see what she is reading:
Mrs Robinson recommends…
2) Use SearchStar…
You can see what the Library has using SearchStar. Search for Author, Title or Keywords. All of the Library laptops have SearchStar.
3) Browse the shelves…
Just look at the displays and shelves, pick up a book and read the blurb - dare you to try!
4) Look at a book list…
Here is one Mrs Robinson has made for Years 6 to 8 – Reading Challenge Recommended Reads:
Or you can download it here:
Reading Challenge Recommended Reads
Large Print Fiction Collection – over 60 books for you to try!
5) Try a book review blog or website…
Mrs Robinson collects websites on Diigo – here are some good ones:
6) Look at a book trailer…
Try our Book Trailer page for more information.
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