Why read?
The Benefits of Reading
A great stop-motion video made by E Dutton, a school librarian colleague:
Why not read some of these poems to find out why!
Rules for Reading
1. Read
2. Read
3. Read some more
4. Read anything
5. Read about everything.
6. Read enjoyable things.
7. Read things you yourself enjoy.
8. Read and talk about it.
9. Read very carefully, some things.
10. Read on the run, most things.
11. Don’t think about reading, but
12. Just read.
John Cotton Dana
I often feel sad
When I close a good book
It’s like giving a friend
A last, lingering look.
Now and then while the tale’s
Still warm in my brain
I turn back to page one
And start over again.
Gareth Owen
books are dangerous
you can get lost in them
books are dangerous
you can get lost in them
books are dangerous
you can get lost in them
books are dangerous
you can get lost in them
books are dangerous
you can get lost in them
books are dangerous
you can get lost in them
When I read
I can be:
A baby chewing a board book
A toddler trying to open the door
A really useful engine
A boy flying through the air with a snowman
An alien hiding under the bed
A girl falling down a rabbit hole
A mermaid crying for her lost love
A trainee wizard
A vegetarian vampire
A footballer getting the goal of his life
A boy getting the golden ticket for the chocolate factory
A young man fighting in the Gulf War
A Hobbit on a journey to fight evil
A girl madly in love
A boy madly in love with someone else
An Indian woman looking at the far Himalayas
A Stone-Age boy travelling far
A boy living through nuclear war
A teenager suffering from anorexia
An old man, lonely, who needs new friends
A fox leading his companions to safety
A young Roman soldier on Hadrian’s Wall (this story changed my life)
When I read, I can be all these things and more
When I read, I can forget my problems and worries
When I read, I can travel to far away lands and other worlds
When I read, I can be young or old, happy or sad, rich or poor.
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